Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A #4

The Mountain Cave

So this is the beginning of chapter three  ... its a little odd, not his usual style.
This is about  abominable its as if his dying and he chooses to live his final moments in a cave ... still very odd.

Sin or Virtue ... (4)

This  one is pretty obvious I wrote this one because i was interested in figuring out the seven deadly sins and the seven heavenly virtues;
                                Sin or Virtue

This world is too blind to see
That we will never be set free
Obviously you’re still living in your dreams
Where your life has just been ripped at the seams
This world defined by one’s sin
One must know we may never win
Of course being all so full of pride
Which is how your ego became so wide
Although many will dream of lust
Though many see it as cruel and unjust
Many trapped in their own little box of envy
This can become extremely deadly
Others bottled up in their own wrath
And never chose the correct path
Many drown themselves in gluttony
While others choose to live in agony
Countless victims suffer from greed
Many of which don’t know a good deed
Others choose to become a sloth
But at this point its better it become an oath
To others it is defined by virtue
This is something one must pursue
One’s first virtue must be humility
To be free and live in pure tranquility
Numerous people live by Chastity
And for those it’s a necessity
Others choose kindness
Rather than cruelness
But there is also patience
And others suffer from impatience
Another virtue would be temperance
It’s more or less one’s preference
Not enough people give to charity
Though it’s really a great way to show your generosity
Not very many people live by diligence
Where many should strive for excellence
So what do you live by sin or virtue.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Fan Art

Only my computer would give me problems right now .... Anyway i drew a scene from "speaker for the dead" the is pretty much the tree's. The tree of Rooter and Human and the rest of the little forest further away and it looks very crappy almost like a child drew it. I hate my drawing and as soon as my scanner is working i will post the drawing.

Finally ... still hate it ... that guy that's standing there is Ender


Untold Secret ... (3)

Here is the third poem that i wrote ... and no i have hidden secrets myself  i guess that i was just in a secretive mood:

Untold Secret

Some things are better left unsaid,
Told only to those who are dead.
But what if this secret must be told,
Which really needs to be put in bold.
So what if I choose to die,
Instead of telling this world a lie.
Instead I’ll take it to the grave,
Or rather to a deep and dark cave.
To keep away from the spotlight,
I’d prefer to walk the night.
Because it contains every one of my sinister thoughts,
Many which have been forethoughts.
Still, I wonder what this secret is worth,
Given the fact that I’m still on earth.
But what if I choose to tell the world,
What will happen then?

A #3

Here you see a swan attacking these poor baby ducks. Who knew that swans could be so evil. Does this swan have no heart or common sense fir that matter.
Swans Are STILL Such Jerks


So over my winter break I had to read two books "Ender's Game" and "Speaker for the Dead" by Orson Scott Card. And I have to say that I found the books to be really fascinating.  I don't think that I have ever read a book that has caught my attention so much.  I have to admit it was very difficult to put the books down. I also found the characters to very interesting.
“Ender’s Game” was very exhilarating.  It was about Ender who is considered a third because on Earth you could have no more than two kids.  There were few but Ender was chosen to go and help win the next war that was coming against the buggers.  He was very intelligent and passed just about every test that they gave him.  He eventually became commander of his own fleet then he was later sent to command school to further his training.  Ender was lied to and no one ever mentioned that the simulator he was practicing on was the real thing that he was actually fighting the buggers.  And so in the end he was never allowed to go back to earth because everyone wanted him for their army.  Then he became governor of the first colony on the planet which the buggers had lived on.  Finally he found a cocoon which contained the hive Queen, then decided to travel to try and find a place for her to be reborn.
“Speaker for the Dead” was also very exhilarating and hard to put down.  There is now a new alien race on the planet of Lusitania and now it is up to the speaker for the dead who is Ender to help confront the mystery and the truth.
Both books very good and I would recommend them to be read. They might seem kind of boring at first but once you start reading them you begin to get hooked.

Untitled ... (6)

So in the spirit of a late valentine's day here is my sixth poem which is just about the some what of the sweetest thing that i have written. Well its not exactly much of a love poem its more of a break up poem. In no relation to me what so ever due to the fact that i have NEVER had a boyfriend shocker i know right. I am oh so sweet, (me sweet yeah right).  Well here it is ... anyways who said valentines day is all about LOVE, break ups happen to those are just not mentioned ... any ideas for a title???

I used to feel so pretty and pink,
Like we were this very close link.
When I was with you I felt so free,
Almost like we were meant to be.
But something drove us apart,
Not sure what made us part.
I was so sure I was in love,
We fit together like a glove,
So where did we go wrong.
For it only lasted a year long.
I dreamt and dreamt that it would last.
Now it’s just a part of my past.
Hoping that with time things would change,
After that things felt so strange.
Confused with what I had done.
I just couldn’t tell myself you were gone.
After you left I felt so betrayed,
People thought I needed to be saved.
But all I needed was time to see,
That this I could not foresee,
Nevertheless you will be replaced.

A #2

This post was about a bat who sleeps during the day or at least tries to.  But he cant sleep because birds keep singing and they keep him up.


 So a couple of days ago my professor was telling us how they might kick out a lot students about 2000 due to all the budget cut that are going on right now.  Another recent thing that they have done I raise tuition.  One of my professors from last semester also mentioned how some classes will not be available, so we won’t even be able to take classes that might benefit us because they might not be available.  One of my man concerns is I might be one of the 2000 students who will be kicked out because I am a freshmen here at CSUN.  I hope that this situation is fixed soon because I would hate to see my education be flushed down and all because I was one of the 2000 students, or that I could not  pay tuition.  That would really suck.  And who knows how other students may have it their situation may be worse.  Hopefully this will all be over soon and tuition may go down to a more reasonable amount and that nothing will happen to our education.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Dream ... (2)

What can i say i got really inspired to write poetry second semester junior year.  This is the second poem that i wrote and i believe that it is also the poem that i put at the end of my portfolio. What i wrote for my cover letter was not a lie i just didn't put the poem that i was originally working on because it wasn't done so i put something that was complete. Because for me my poems have to have an ending that make sense at least to me    i really don't care if my poems  make sense to YOU or not because their mine.  Here is the poem .. the second:

                                                    The Dream

What if one day I were to wake up,
And see that the sand in the hourglass is almost up,
And soon time will end my life.
But what about the afterlife,
Will there be anyone waiting for me there,
Or am I just having a nightmare?
Should I remain asleep to see where this dream takes me?
Maybe it will set me free.
I can’t help to feel that this is all a test
That I will very much detest.
But I don’t have a say,
Then again I don’t even want to stay.
There’s not much I can do for myself,
Yet it has to be done by oneself.
But what is it that one must figure out?
If one is filled with so much doubt.
One will never find the answers to one’s dreams.
So if you wake up in screams,
Just know you’ve awakened back up to reality.

A #1

I found this to be really funny because when you think about this could actually happen.  Your boyfriend  put your kids to sleep and he tries to leave and then your girl gives you this look like "boy if you even think about leaving" so if his smart he know the right thing to do is stay even if you don't want to.

   Date Night

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My First ... Who's Left ...(1)

I started writing poetry in high school (junior year) and this is the very first poem that i ever wrote. It doesn't relate to me in any way. I just wrote it and it was also kind of an assignment. 

                                                                         Who's Left

They say that life should be well spent,
But what if there’s a dent
That we can’t unbend.
Feeling like I’m all alone,
As well as unknown.
Living in such a barren world.
My head, stuck in an unstopping whirl.
Life has nothing for me,
So where should I be?
Feeling unwanted, even at a masquerade.
Even at a parade.
People fighting everywhere.
I ask myself, “should I be there”?
Or with the ones who care,
But who would dare to care about one
Who has nothing left to feel,
Only left to deal
With other people’s pain
Attached to a never ending chain. 
So what is there left to do,
With this world so blue?
What should I try?
Should I even cry?
But what would be the point,
If only to disappoint.
I feel the need to be set free,
But there is no one there for me.
Am I even supposed to be here?
Filled with so much fear?
I feel the need to fly,
But I’d rather stay to clarify,
What it is that must be done.
Am I the one,
Who has to stay?
Behind and find a way
To fix this mess,
Or is it less
That I must do in life.

Guessing ...

So my professor wants to get a tattoo of this comic The Abominable, but i have no idea what comic strip or panel he would choose.  So I'm going to guess ... hmm
  ... so this is my guess ...